
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Cameron Day is Disrupting Creative Leadership - EP 91
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
"I think in a funny way, my dad programmed me to be a slacker with a work ethic"
Imagine your parents not only knew what your job in advertising was, but deeply understood the business and the barriers to doing the best work possible. In this extended and insightful interview, Cameron Day (yep, from that "Day" family. His dad is Chiat\Day co-founder Guy Day) shares wisdom learned from both his father and over 25 years of ad experience. Whether you're currently an advertising 'creative', aspire to be one, or are just a fan of the industry, this is a MUST LISTEN episode.
Cameron's new book "Chew With Your Mind Open (The Advertising Survival Guide)" has been touted as a "MasterClass in advertising" and uses enlightening and entertaining stories to provide creatives with practical ways to not only survive, but thrive in their careers.
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Host - Rob Schwartz & Asha Davis
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Matt DePaola
Executive Producer - Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
The Next Decade of Disruption is a 3 episode series we've created in partnership with the 2021 3% Conference.
"I think people dim their light to be accepted into certain areas. It dims their ideas...and it seems like that is built into Corporate America."
In the third and final episode, Asha sits down with Ashton Womack, Daily Show w/ Trevor Noah Writer and Stand Up Comedian, to discuss the future of news, comedy and inclusivity in the entertainment industry.
As a staff writer on arguably the most diverse show in late night, Ashton has seen first hand the difference inclusivity makes across the news stories covered, the broad range of humor and the lives of those behind the scenes. While most writer's rooms are predominantly white and male, The Daily Show prides itself on giving opportunities to underrepresented talent - or should we say 'emmy-winning' talent!
To learn more about the 3% Movement, visit: https://www.3percentmovement.com
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Host - Asha Davis
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Matt DePaola
Executive Producer - Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
The Next Decade of Disruption: Jean Grow is Disrupting DEI IRL
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
The Next Decade of Disruption is a 3 episode series we've created in partnership with the 2021 3% Conference.
"An empathetic truth is a way of sharing 'unvarnished realities' of what's happening in a corporate culture"
In the second episode of our series, Jean Grow - accomplished author, Professor Emeritus at Marquette university & Founder of GROW DEI Consultancy - breaks down what it really means to embody diversity, equity and inclusion into your business "in real life".
As the Chief TruthTeller at GROW, Jean is accustomed to enlightening professionals to realities that they are often less than comfortable with. However, in a world where "DEI" is both the most important and most overused acronym in corporate America, it's these difficult conversations that lead to truly disruptive change.
To learn more about the 3% Movement, visit: https://www.3percentmovement.com
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Host - Rob Schwartz
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Matt DePaola
Executive Producer - Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
The Next Decade of Disruption is a 3 episode series we've created in partnership with the 2021 3% Conference.
"To be a 'legend' is to leave this place better than when we began"
In the first episode, we hear from two legendary Ad Women who have defied convention throughout their careers. Nancy Reyes is the CEO of TBWA\Chiat\Day NY and Katrien DeBauw is Global President of TBWA\Media Arts Lab, and they are both dedicated to disrupting antiquated notions of what leadership looks and acts like.
Nancy and Katrien have been recognized across the industry for driving their businesses forward and championing inclusivity, ultimately echoing the 3% Movement's position that Diversity = Creativity = Profitablity.
To learn more about the 3% Movement, visit: https://www.3percentmovement.com
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Host - Rob Schwartz
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Matt DePaola
Executive Producer - Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Sara Rosinsky is Disrupting Your Grammar - EP 86
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
"I would actually caution people about 'trying' to sound smart"
With the proliferation of texting, shorthand, and autocorrect, one could argue that grammatical-correctness is at an all time low.
In one of our wittiest and informative episodes yet, author, copywriter and ad industry vet Sara Rosinsky shares memorable tips on how we can all improve how we communicate.
While some live by the mantra that 'done is better than perfect', in Sara's world, a grammatically perfect email or text is worth its weight in gold.
Her book "Unflubbify Your Writing" provides readers with fun ways to remember tricky spelling, punctuation and grammar rules (some of which we've likely already broken in this description!)
Hosts - Rob Schwartz & Asha Davis
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Rashida Peters
Executive Producers - Rashida Peters / Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Brian Dolan is Disrupting The Workforce - Ep 85
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
"At a senior executive level, the talent pipeline has been starved for decades of diverse talent."
There's no denying that the 'way we work' has forever changed due to the pandemic. With trends like 'The Great Resignation' emerging as companies / employees navigate what their 'return to the office' looks like, many believe the once-in-a-generation shifts we're about to see in corporate America have been a long time coming.
Since 2014 (that's pre-pandemic FYI), Brian Dolan, CEO of WorkReduce has been advocating for 'remote work' as a key asset to the advertising / marketing world due to its appeal to top talent across diverse backgrounds and its cost-effectiveness for both large and small scale businesses.
In this episode, Brian connects the dots on how to drive diversity, reduce turnover and increase profitability by leaning in to the power of remote work.
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Hosts - Rob Schwartz & Asha Davis
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Rashida Peters
Executive Producers - Rashida Peters / Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Will Burns Is Disrupting Idea Generation - Ep 84
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Let’s face it, creativity requires a lot of stupid ideas in order to get to the good ones
Getting to a good idea is something Marketers do daily. Getting to a great idea happens much less often.
As this episode is launching during the Cannes Lion award season and America's Independence Day festivities, it felt apt to highlight Ideasicle X CEO Will Burns - a particularly special Disruptor whose independent "virtual-idea company" is breaking borders in a truly award-worthy way.
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Hosts - Rob Schwartz & Asha Davis
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Rashida Peters
Executive Producers - Rashida Peters / Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Mark Pollard is Disrupting Strategy - Ep 83
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
An insight is different than an idea, because an insight gets us
to change how we behave.
In one of our most insightful episodes ever, author and globally renowned advertiser Mark Pollard breaks down the meaning of "strategy" and how marketers can get the best out of their multifaceted teams.
He opens up about how is own childhood experiences shaped his approach to planning and management, and why comedians and strategists have much more in common than people may think.
Buy his book: Strategy Is Your Words
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Hosts - Rob Schwartz & Asha Davis
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Rashida Peters
Executive Producers - Rashida Peters / Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Bill Tsapalas is Disrupting NYC's Curbsides - Ep 82
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
If you are selfless in your intentions, selfless in your full engagement,
selfless in your expectations, things will eventually unfold in a positive way.
Bill Tsapalas is probably best known for his strategic creativity, having helmed creative campaigns for some of the industry's most notable brands and agencies. What many may not know, is that Bill is fiercely passionate about the city of New York and the local neighborhoods that make it the best city in the world.
At the outset of the pandemic, two of the city's most famed industries - Restaurants & The Arts - were completely upended. This prompted Bill to use his skills and experience to help, and the Curbside Canvas project was born. Over the past year, local restaurants and talented artists across NYC have partnered together to turn 'Streeateries' into Street Art - a concept that has proven so beneficial to both industries that it is continuing to live on even as NYC re-opens.
Trust us, this episode is definitely worth a listen - you may even get a surprise musical performance from Bill himself!
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Hosts - Rob Schwartz & Asha Davis
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Rashida Peters
Executive Producers - Rashida Peters / Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Dan Greenberg & Sharethrough are Disrupting Native Advertising - Ep.81
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
"If you believe you need to earn attention as a brand,
it completely changes the creative process"
In an era that will ultimately mark the 'death of cookies', Dan Greenberg CEO & founder of Sharethrough - a platform that powers ads for big publishers like Forbes, CBS and Time - is focused on helping advertisers drive effectiveness with tactics aligned to the ways human brains actually perceive and want to receive digital ads. Sound interesting? We thought so too.
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Hosts - Rob Schwartz & Asha Davis
Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett
Producer - Rashida Peters
Executive Producers - Natalie Zeller / Rashida Peters / Asha Davis
Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman